6 Ways to Ethically Influence Your Patients (Part 6)

6 Ways to Ethically Influence Your Patients (Part 6)

It is a PERCEIVED fear of loss (scarcity) that businesses implement as a tactic to get us to make a purchase decision. And it works wonderfully well!However, in the business of aesthetics, your marketing must not encourage consumers to fast-track that decision...
6 Ways to Ethically Influence Your Patients (Part 5)

6 Ways to Ethically Influence Your Patients (Part 5)

People’s ability to understand the factors that affect their behaviours is surprisingly poor. Professor Robert Chaldini put us all under the microscope and brought those factors to our attention in his book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.” His...
Leaflet Drops: Worth Doing?

Leaflet Drops: Worth Doing?

A few tips for you, and a few words of caution… There was a discussion recently in our private client forum on whether it’s worth doing leaflet drops in your local area. In my experience, people usually only ask that question when they are low on bookings and...
6 Ways to Ethically Influence Your Patients (Part 4)

6 Ways to Ethically Influence Your Patients (Part 4)

Most people can’t explain why they made a particular decision. But Professor Robert Cialdini can; having spent the best part of his life studying the different ways people are influenced. Being able to identify the underlying factors that influence decisions means he...
6 Ways to Ethically Influence Your Patients (Part 3)

6 Ways to Ethically Influence Your Patients (Part 3)

I have long been a big fan of Dr. Robert Cialdini. I originally became familiar with his work years ago through, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”. It’s a must read. It gave me useful tools to use for marketing and taught me how to steal the spotlight away...