When times are tough and finances are stretched, your patients need to dig deeper for a reason to see you, as well as a reason to give up their money; especially if they are not sure they will have any in the near future. Since you’re not going to stop this new wave...
Sometimes, it’s not easy to think like a patient and put yourself in their shoes, simply because the majority of aesthetic professionals have never been a full paying patient before. Your prospective patients are online searching for your treatments and services and...
The average consumer uses more than ten sources of information to make a purchase decision (Google, 2012) Turning these highly educated consumers into paying patients is more complex than it used to be. In fact, it requires you to be in the right place at the right...
Every master was once a disaster. Every winner was once a beginner. So how did today’s high thriving aesthetic clinics and practitioners achieve their level of success? What are their jealously-guarded secrets? And how do they stay ahead of the curve? The truth...
Lets take a couple of fictional prospects – Sally and Sara. Sally is one of those discount coupon aesthetic patients who wants the world for nothing. She responds to price only and complains at every opportunity to claim further concessions. She makes it very...
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