Featured in the December 2014 Edition of The Aesthetics Journal
A decade ago you really didn’t have to try too hard to fill up your appointment book with high-spend patients. You opened your doors and the patients really did come flooding in.But what worked 10 years ago, or even six months ago, won’t necessarily work today. One thing is for sure, the only constant in this industry is change!
So what can you do to stay one step ahead?…
Disrupt or be disrupted, take the necessary time to truly understand marketing and constantly put yourself in your patients’ shoes.
In this article published in the Aesthetics Journal I deep dive into these very subjects and highlight the importance of adapting to change in order for your practice to thrive in the ever changing aesthetics industry.
It’s time to throw away any old rules or beliefs that won’t help you in today’s evolving marketplace. I hope this piece gives you the motivation to do at least one thing differently in your practice today that your future self will thank you for.