I thought you might like to see a snapshot of some interesting survey results; a survey of those who registered for our previous workshops…
Question: What Are Your Current Challenges and Frustrations?
Can you relate to any of the above?
Some of the respondents mentioned very specific challenges; do any of the comments below sound familiar?..
“I have no turn over. I just break even. I’m not sure how or what to market. Brand new business, can still earn so much more in the NHS. Don’t know what to do or how to promote anything. I’m not promoting myself through fear. I would like to stop this and put the energy into risk taking.”
“Just starting out on my own having rented a room previously. Finding it hard to juggle priorities, advertising/ investing in new treatments etc and find it hard to delegate tasks to others as I like to be in control completely.”
“My experience and knowledge makes me hide instead of wanting to stand out and do what I love”
“I want to build on the success I have had so far. I want to learn how to create a solid marketing plan that will be successful”
“I think we’re good, but we want to be better in all aspects of business development”
“I am little confused as to how to start a successful aesthetic practice combining it with dentistry”
“Main problems are with pricing and marketing my business”
“Would like to invest in new treatment areas but unsure which one to pick”
“I want to know more around attracting new clients and tips on selling products”
“I need to get my business going!”
It was also very interesting (and a little worrying) to see that over 50% of respondents are generating less than 50,000 per year in revenue, and half of those are struggling to generate just 10K per year for their efforts. I dread to think how much personal income is left over when the bills and expenses have been paid…
Current Annual Turnover of Respondents:
If you could use some specific guidance on how to break through the business and marketing challenges you’re experiencing in private practice right now, I invite you to jump on the phone with me briefly for a free, no obligation call to get a few pointers.
Click on the button below to request your free call.
Best Wishes