I would like to share with you a moment of clarity I recently experienced: there is a remarkable overlap between the business and the sporting worlds.

I realised that my most successful clients are the business equivalents of Olympic champions. The strategies that give them the energy, belief and confidence to succeed are the same strategies Olympians have followed for decades.

If you’ve ever watched the Olympic games, you will have heard the commentators, the coaches and the medal winning athletes say that belief was as much as 80% of their success. On a physical level, there is usually very little difference between Olympic athletes, but the winning medalists are always streets ahead in terms of mindset.

It was this that made the ultimate difference to them; winning by a fraction of a second or not winning at all.

In this featured article for Aesthetic Medicine Magazine, we’ll delve a little deeper into what it takes to ‘Win the Gold’ in the business of Aesthetics…

Read The Full Article Here

This article is the third installment of an exclusive six-part series on how to inject new life into your aesthetic practice. If you’re struggling to make a success of your practice, or you’re doing ‘okay’ but still a long way from what you want, I suggest you take some time out to read the full series.

Best Wishes
